This page will feature some resources with information to help you make informative and healthy choices for you and your children. I will also reference some of my inspirations as well as other blogs that are similar to my own.
First up is the "Food Pyramid" that my family follows. This was created by Harvard's Medical School and it is up-to-date with the latest research and information. I read Harvard's public health newsletter daily and I would encourage you to as well. You can sign up here. Also, check out their website with information, HERE.

Also, everyday I do a "Daily Challenge" via MeYou Health, They have useful information that goes along with a daily challenge and it's great fun for the entire family!

Another great resource with information and recipes is Vital Juice. They provide vegan recipes and often gluten-free options as well!
For a quick, healthy meal or snack, I opt for Vega's Shake mixes. Vega is plant-based nutrition shake powder that is jam-packed with vitamins and minerals essential for everyday health. They also have a sports formula for any athletes out there. I love Vega because it doesn't contain aspartame or any "fake" sugars or chemicals. I can give Vega to my kids which is very impressive!
For you blog lovers out there, I suggest the following:
Great recipes- Fake Ginger
Ideas, information & recipes- Fed Up with Lunch
Resources, info, recipes and momma life- Modern Alternative Mama
Info, inspiration and recipes- Healthful Pursuit
Momma life, healthy living and recipes (one of my favorites, by Author Rebecca Wolf)- Girl's Gone Child
Momma life, down syndrome, healthy living, happy & inspiring (my favorite blog)- Enjoying the Small Things
In-case you need a quick reference, here are the links again (minus the blogs):